目前分類:未分類文章 (2)

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hahahs. too lazy to type in chinese characters.

hm well nothing much to update cos I just blogged at Blogger

actually i have 4 blogs site. i had created like 4 blog domain at blogger.

so total i got like a total of 8 blogs?

but seriously im only using 2. blogger and tumblr.

not really using the chinese based blogs (wretch and pixnet)

been pretty lazy to log in. like pixnet new layout. much clearer. last time i was like blur when using.

hais. i got so many blogs. what should i do with it?

let it rot, collect dust and spin spider web? probably.  i cant possibly blog at every site. :(


金鱼 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


用过了博客网 虽然是我非常喜欢用的日记网站 不过我觉得个人隐私权的部分不完善 最终还是选择另外建造我的窝穴

无名和痞克邦很好啊 有可上锁的文章功能 对自己说的话 还有不想被人看到的话 都可以锁起来

登入时看到我2至3年前的照片 落差真的很大 是时候更新相簿了 等我有空再说

总而言之 心宽气顺好健康 我开始风言风语了


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